There’s plenty of talk of the COVID 20—meaning the extra weight that adults are putting on during the pandemic. But what about children? Even before the pandemic, the percentage of American children who have overweight or obesity—defined as body mass index (BMI) being in the 85th to 95th percentiles for children of the same age and sex—was startingly high, and early evidence is suggesting the pandemic may make matters even worse.
“Hybrid learning” has become a blanket term for the many ways students are experiencing school right now amid the coronavirus pandemic: in-person students with remote teachers, remote students with in-person teachers, kids rotating between school and home by week or day. It’s a system that assumes students can juggle the logistics of returning to school under new circumstances and learning at home, which, for kids in the midst of brain development plus pandemic stress, has the potential to quickly feel like too much to handle. (Changes based on positive coronavirus cases, local outbreaks and related health ordinances can add another layer of stress for parents, students and teachers.)
by Diana Ruiz, Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance Manager at Cost Plus World Market.
What is my number one recommendation to parents asking what they can do to prepare their student for success after college? Encourage your student to do as many internships as possible in the field that they are looking to pursue after college and remember that your home can influence their future work ethic and leadership.
The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt a huge economic impact in the U.S., but it has also turned many people's lives upside down, affecting many people's mental health, especially mothers.
By Kate Reggev
Rest easy by prepping them for good sleep, financial success, and more.