How do you create the most sustainable mentor-mentee relationship?

02/12/2015 09:41pm | 6481 views

Mentoring is about sharing experiences, hardships overcome and knowledge gained to help others best use their innate skills to grow and advance organically. It should represent your most valuable insights and wisdom to help your mentee leap ahead authentically. The mentor-mentee relationship cannot be sustained when it is being mismanaged – for example, when the focus is on making the mentee more like the mentor instead of strengthening the mentee’s own and unique potential. Mentoring gone wrong is common; it makes the relationship unsustainable – but the damage inflicted can last a lifetime.

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Accelerate Your Career

02/12/2015 09:30pm | 6265 views

There is a reason that certain people advance more quickly than others in their careers. 

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Solidify Your Brand

02/12/2015 09:29pm | 6320 views

You know that you have a consistent voice at work once you have solidified your brand; perhaps a nickname that people can rely upon.

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Unexpected Opportunities

02/12/2015 09:28pm | 6289 views

A consistent voice creates unexpected opportunities.

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Strengthen Your Influence

02/12/2015 09:27pm | 6257 views

A strong voice in the workplace can strengthen your influence. 

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