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John Benson

Freelance Writer, VOXXI

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Who’s Taking Care of Our Viejitos? Latino Caregivers at a Glance

13/12/2013 03:17pm | 9826 views

America is getting older as the baby boomer generation eases into its senior years.

This naturally includes the Hispanic population, which by 2019 is projected to be the largest racial/ethnic minority in the 65 and older age group.

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Bilingual education: Why gutting it hurts us all

11/10/2013 04:30pm | 8767 views

Hispanic Heritage Month provides the perfect opportunity to explore how bilingual education positively or negatively affect our children.

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About the Author

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John Benson

Freelance Writer, VOXXI

When he's not covering news, music or entertainment, he can be found coaching his boys (basketball, football and baseball) or spending time with his wife, Maria.